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Chinese translation for "uniform acceleration"


Related Translations:
acceleration:  n.1.加速;促进。2.【物理学】加速度;变速。3.【教育】加速升级。短语和例子uniform [variable] acceleration 等〔不等〕加速度。 lightning acceleration 【汽车】瞬间加速度。 brief acceleration 瞬时有效加速度。 acceleration of gravity 重力加速度。
uniform:  adj.1.(形状、性质等)一样的,同一的;一致的;相同的。2.一贯不变的;始终如一的。3.规格一致的,均匀的,齐一的。短语和例子be uniform in size [shape] 大小[形状]一律。n.1.制服;军服;〔the uniform〕 军人。2.通讯中用以代表字母 u 的词。短语和例子an undress uniform 军便服。 a full-dress u
uniformed:  adj.穿军服的;穿制服的。
normal acceleration:  法向[正交]加速度。
uniform system:  【林业】伞伐作业。
uniform motion:  【机械工程】匀速运动。
uniform crop:  【林业】同龄林。
dress uniform:  〔美国〕空军制服;陆军青色制服;海军青灰色冬制服。
uniform function:  【数学】单值函数。
Example Sentences:
1.It starts from rest and falls vertically downward with uniform acceleration .
2.From a numerical simulation on a practical possible mode : uniform acceleration - uniform speed - uniform deceleration , we obtain the relationship between the measurement error and the acceleration value
3.Retreating , at the terminus of the great northern railway , amiens street , with constant uniform acceleration , along parallel lines meeting at infinity , if produced : along parallel lines , reproduced from infinity , with constant uniform retardation , at the terminus of the great northern railway , amiens street , returning
Similar Words:
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